


Antônio Araújo, Mario Bellatin, Pablo Caruana, Juan Domínguez, Óscar Cornago, Adrian Heathfield, Hans-Thies Lehman, André Lepecki, Angélica Liddell, Bonnie Marranca, Quim Pujol, José A. Sánchez

Editors: Manuel Bellisco y María José Cifuentes / ARTEA

Publisher: Centro Párraga / CENDEAC.

December 2010

We could think that dramaturgy occupies intermediate space between the three factors that make up the theatrical phenomenon: theatre, acting/performance and drama.. And we can then discover how in different epochs and contexts, from each one of these places, the other two have been submitted to criticism and transformation. Dramaturgy constitutes itself as space of mediation. By defining dramaturgy in this way it appears that we are reinventing something very ancient. And in a sense that is true. But redefinitions also serve to open up new spaces for action and reflection, without dispensing with a dense network of memories and mediations. In this work can be found different proposals made by artists and theoreticians around the concept and practice of “dramaturgy” during the International Seminar on New Dramaturgies which took place in Murcia, in November 2009.