Fernando Quesada
Madrid / Universidad de Alcalá
Fernando Quesada is related with the following projects:
Fernando Quesada appears in the following news:
- New Master Program in Performing Arts Practice and Visual Culture 2010-11
- Ciclo Varése-Xenakis-Dusapin. La música de la arquitectura.
- "La Utilidad de lo Inútil" (20, 21 y 22 mayo)
- Laboratory of Artistic Migrations
- LANBROA. Curso de verano sobre prácticas performativas y contaminadoras
- International Seminar: There is no more poetry than action. Theatricality and dissidence in the urban space. April 12th and 13th 2013
- MPECV - new admission period is open!
Fernando Quesada is linked to the following publications:
- Cairon 12 Body and Architecture
Fernando Quesada is linked to the following texts: