Personal file
José A. Sánchez
UCLM / Madrid

Researcher, lecturer and author of books and texts on aesthetics and comtemporary artistic practice in the realm of literatura, cinema and performing arts. Doctor in Philosophy and Full Profesor of Performing Arts History and Contemporary Art and Literature at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cuenca (UCLM), he currently lives in London, where he develops a research project linked to Roehampton University.
He's been curator or artistic director of  Arte es acción=Acción es producción (Madrid, 2010), Seminario internacional de nuevas dramaturgias (Murcia, 2009), Palestina: tierra, exilio, creación (Cuenca, 2006, en colaboración con Gonzalo Fernández Parrila), Situaciones (Cuenca, 1999-2002) y Desviaciones (Madrid, 1997-2001)
He is the author of the books  Brecht y el Expresionismo (1992), Dramaturgias de la imagen (Dramaturgy of images,Cuenca, 1994 -3rd ed. 2002), La escena moderna Antología de manifiestos y textos sobre teatro de la época de vanguardias (The modern stage, Madrid, 1999), Prácticas de lo real en la escena contemporánea (Practices of the real in contemporary scene, Madrid, 2007). Editor, among others, of the books: El arte de la danza y otros escritos de Isadora Duncan (The art of dance and other writings by Isadora Duncan, 2003), Cuerpos sobre blanco (Bodies on white, 2003), Situaciones: un proyecto multidisciplinar en Cuenca (Situations: a multidisciplinary project, 2003), Práctica artística y políticas culturales (Artistic practice and cultural policy, 2003), Artes de la escena y de la acción en España: 1978-2002 (Performing and performance arts in Spain, 2006). In addition, he has written many articles on aesthetics, literature and contemporary dance and theatre, among them: “The impossible theatre” (London, 1998), "Las vanguardias escénicas en España” (Cuenca, 2000), “La Ribot: El gran game” (San Sebastián, 2000), “La estética de la catástrofe” (Málaga, 2000), “El cuerpo y los objetos” (Vigo, 2001), “Eyes in movement” (London, 2004), “El cuerpo y la mirada” (Los Angeles, 2004), “La distincton et l’humour” (París, 2004); “Los discursos del cuerpo” (Frankfurt, 2004);  “Escribir como mirar. Imagen escénica y acción cinematográfica en la obra de Samuel Beckett” (Madrid, 2007), “Teatralidad y disencia en el cine de Joaquim Jordà” (Viena, 2007); “El tiempo de la belleza” (Barcelona, 2008)
Director of  Cairon. Journal of Dance Studies. Contributor and editorial board member of international journals such as: Contemporary Theater Review, Anales de Literatura Española Contemporánea, Telón de fondo, and the book series Cuerpo de letra. 
He received the price Sebastiá Gasch 2006-07from Fomento de Artes y Diseño de Cataluña for his activity as theatre theoretician. 
Advisor for the performing arts program at the Museum Reina Sofia, Madrid (2008-2009)
He currently directs the research group ARTEA and several international projects, among them:  Autonomía y complejidad y ECLAP
Co-director of a Master in Performance Practice and Visual Culture (Madrid, UAH - Museo Reina Sofía - La Casa Encendida - Matadero)

 Go to José A. Sánchez  (personal website)

José A. Sánchez is related with the following projects:
José A. Sánchez appears in the following news:
  • New Master Program in Performing Arts Practice and Visual Culture 2010-11
  • International Seminar. Performing arts practice as research. Barcelona, May 26-28, 2010
  • International Seminar: There is no more poetry than action. Theatricality and dissidence in the urban space. April 12th and 13th 2013
  • MPECV - new admission period is open!
José A. Sánchez is linked to the following publications:
José A. Sánchez is linked to the following texts: