The aim of this project is to investigate creative processes starting on the basis that research is inherent to artistic praxis. It consists of exploring artistic research in the field of performing arts and of determining its specificity in contrast to other areas of artistic praxis. In this project we are analysing three dimensions of artistic research: academic point of view, by means of a report in which we study different ways of implementing the figure of artist-researcher in postgraduate programmes in performing arts; from a reflective perspective, through editing a compilation of texts in which we have invited several theorititians and philosophers to explain their ideas on the subject; finally, the point of view of the creative praxis itself.
Practice-based research MA programmes
In recent times the performing arts have been incorporated into the higher education system of the university, while art academies have started to offer programmes at postgraduate level. This transformations in higher education in the arts demand reactions that should avoid the mere acceptance of new guidelines or the unquestioned assimilation of criteria borrowed from other fields. For this reason it is fundamental to generate a dialogue between the worlds of art and the academy in which it is possible to define the peculiarities of artistic research in the performing arts.
With this aim and by commission of INARTIS (Institut del Teatre y la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares), ARTEA has created a report on the current international situation of postgraduate studies specializing in performing arts.
It consists of 19 extensive reports of reference centres in East and West Europe, USA, Canada and Latin America offering education programmes at postgraduate level; there are also reports on independent centres outside the academy in which rigorous and constant artistic research takes place and which offer very original formulas to conceive the figure of artist-researcher.
Project financed by:
Institut del Teatre
A collection of texts reflecting on artistic research in the performing arts
It comprises a series of texts which tackle the issue of artistic research at postgraduate level and that show the fundamental positions in the debate around this subject in the field of performing arts. The collection also includes a series of contributions offering a range of ways to conceive artistic work in performing arts from the point of view of research; they analyze paradigmatic examples such as the work by Xavier Le Roy or Rimini Protokoll.
Cairon 13: Practice and Research, Madrid 2010
Director: José A. Sánchez
Coordinator: Victoria Pérez Royo
Contributors: Marie Beaulieu, Henk Borgdoff, Toni Cots, Bojana Cvejic, Bojan Djordjev Miriam Dreysse, Fabiana Dultra Britto, Jeroen Fabius, Josette Féral, Marijke Hoogenboom, Esa Kirkkopelto, Dieter Lesage, Ulrike Melzwig, Conrad Noack, Ixiar Rozas, Kent Sjöström, Jeanne Vaccaro, Ela Wtulich, Ana Vujanovic.
Permanent laboratory of artistic research
In this second phase of the project, which is in process and that will take place over the course of 2010, we suggest to continue exploring artistic research, this time from the point of view of praxis and by means of collaborating with performing artists. On the one hand it is about compiling a wide range of individual conceptions of research, starting from the reflection on the own creative praxis, methodologies, tools and different ways of working. On the other hand we plan a series of encounters between artists in which they share their working processes with each other and with an interested audience.